Did you know magazines are a fun and engaging way to bring to life literacy in a classroom? Magazines can be used to supplement classroom lessons. Because magazines contain interactive content such as puzzles, games, poems, stories, crafts and many more, they are considered great support to the curriculum.

Learning and Magazines 

Educational magazines are a great source of content that is good for the reader’s growth and literacy development. Young children can be encouraged to love reading by using colorful magazines that have great content for them. Magazines can be used to improve children’s learning, listening, reading and interaction with content skills. Children’s magazines help them develop their learning skills in a fun manner. For example, having kids in groups so they interact with each other and create social bonds while solving puzzles in the magazines. 

Encourage Creativity and Imagination

Magazines are full of nonfiction content that can be used to spur children’s imagination and creativity and also teach them graphic features and text. Magazines can be used as research tools by children to help them understand topics such as technology, arts, science, math, history, and nature. A good example is giving children a topic from magazines and have them research on the topic by engaging their family members and doing online research to help them learn. Magazines are full of good creative content such as arts and crafts, recipes, games, and many more activities. 

Magazines as writing inspirations

Teachers can use magazines to encourage students to become writers by having them respond to articles or features they read in magazines. Poetry in magazines can help children improve rhymes, similes, and metaphors in their own poems. 

Magazine supplement classroom work

Teachers and parents can supplement what children learn in classrooms by pairing the additional content in magazines with classroom resources. To ensure they offer the best resources for the children, teachers, and parents are encouraged to check out magazine reviews to ensure they correlate with the curriculum. Magazines offer a lot of content that can get children excited and interested in learning even beyond the confines of the classroom.

How to build your classroom magazine collection

There are several ways you can build your classroom’s magazine collection. But before you start building you will have to understand not all magazines are suitable for children. Reading magazine reviews will help you in deciding which magazines go into the classroom library. Some of the ways to build a collection for children include:

Asking help to subscribe to children’s magazines that will build a class library from your head of academics. Always be on the lookout for sales from online stores, yard sales, and used bookstores. Asking your local library to donate their used merchandise they wish to clear out. Asking families for donations such as magazine subscriptions.

Remember to always keep magazines accessible to children by having bins all around the classroom. Magazines will impact different skills to the children each time they visit the classroom library and engage with the magazines.